10/28/24 Announcements
Attention all student drivers: If you haven't purchased your student parking pass yet and are driving to school, please do so as soon as possible. Parking is being enforced.
(Everyday until removed)
North Duplin FFA is collecting new and gently used clothing, blankets, jackets, and other winter essentials to support the Town of Faison's effort to assist Old Fort in the North Carolina mountains. Donations can be dropped off in the Ag Classroom. North Duplin FCA will also have donation bins at all remaining fall athletic events, and conference tournaments.. See the flier in Mrs. Loretta’s office for a full list of items. (Thru 10/31)
Our Middle School Washington DC Field Trip is full. Students who would like to register for a wait list can sign up on the waitlist link on the school website by Friday.
Middle School Junior Beta students should stop by Mrs. Wolfe’s room to get an order form for Light Up the Lawn Luminaries. Check your email for additional information.
Upcoming Club Meetings for this Week are:
(Teacher's, please make sure your club meeting is posted on the school club calendar BEFORE adding it to the announcements to ensure that club meetings do not overlap.)
2nd Period: Future Teachers Club will meet on Thursday, 31. Please be ready to work on our November project idea for Being Thankful for Teachers.