1/13/2025 Announcements
If you are trying out for junior high soccer, you must have a sports physical, completed on-line forms and paid athletic insurance. Turn in physicals and insurance money to Coach Anderson. (Read through January 21)
If you are interested in playing Girl’s High School Soccer please come by Coach Cates’ room in the new history building to sign up by no later than Friday, January 17th. Tryouts will be on February 12th. You must have a sports physical, completed on-line forms and paid athletic insurance to try out. (Read through Friday, January 17th)
The high school Beta Club is collecting donations of new or gently used coats, blankets, hats, and gloves. If you need service hours or would like to contribute, please drop off your donations in Mrs. Pope’s classroom in the English building by Friday, January 17th. (Read through January 16th)
High school baseball information can be picked up in the gym. Please see Coach Langston for more information.
Congratulations to Camdyn Summerlin who had the fastest 20 yard dash and the fastest 10 yard fly in our athletic speed program last week.
Anyone interested in becoming North Duplin Jr/Sr High School’s Spring Festival King and Queen? If so, all you have to do is raise the most money by April 3rd and pay a $5 entry fee. But wait………..if you win you will not only become the king or queen you will also win $100. If you are interested and you think you have what it takes to raise the most money please stop by the office to get a permission form and get more information about this event. Any North Duplin student in grades 7th-12th can participate. Any questions please see Mrs. Marsha Quintanilla in room 302.
(please read through Tuesday, January 21st)
Any Spanish 2 students from last semester that want to keep their piñatas please get them from the library by Wednesday, January 15th. If they aren’t picked up by this date they will be donated to the school. Any questions, please see Mrs. Marsha Quintanilla.