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9.20.24 Announcements


Attention all student drivers: If you haven't purchased your student parking pass yet and are driving to school, please do so as soon as possible. Parking is being enforced. Tickets have been issued and must be paid as soon as possible! 

(Everyday until removed)


Juniors and Seniors:  Our University of Mt Olive Field trip is on Friday, September 27th. You will tour the UMO airport to learn more about aviation and drone technology and other programs like CyberSecurity, Business and Accounting. See Ms. Ostheim for details! 


All 7th and 12th graders who have not received their immunizations need to get this done this week, at your Doctor or the Health Department. The deadline is quickly approaching. Students will not be able to attend school after Monday September 24th without receiving all required immunizations. These absences will be unexcused. If you have any questions please see Nurse Anderson.




Upcoming Club Meetings: 


Future Teacher Club will meet Thursday, Sept. 26 during 2nd period acceleration. If you are a past member or want to become a member please attend the meeting in Ms. Albright’s room. Room 303  



Upcoming Homecoming Events:


Homecoming will begin September 30th. Flyers will be posted throughout the school to inform you of activities that we will be doing throughout the week. We will be having a High School and Middle School volleyball tournament that will take place throughout that week. Each class may have one team of 10 representing them. The first team to pay in full with ten members to Mrs. Kendall will be the team selected for your class. 


Powder Puff will be on September 30th. Sign up sheets are in the main hall. 


We will be having a homecoming dance after the football game on October 4th. The dance will start following the game and will end at midnight. Admission is $5 at the gate and outside guests are allowed. If you are bringing an outside guest please have them have their ID ready when entering the dance. 


If you have any homecoming questions please come by Mrs. Kendalls office. 




We are excited to announce the beginning of “Friday Night Lights” theme nights for our home football games. This Friday night we will show military appreciation by wearing red, white, and blue. We hope to see lots of student participation. Keep your eyes open for flyers around campus showing the themes for the rest of the home games.


Athletic Events for Today:


See Athletics Announcements Paper



(Read with Enthusiasm! 🙂)


And Remember – It's Always A Great Day to Be A Rebel!