Career and Technical Education
Career Development Coordinator & Special Populations Coordinator
10th Grade Career & College Fair Registration LinkRebekah H. IveyCareer Development Coordinator/Special Populations CoordinatorNorth Duplin Junior/Senior High SchoolThe Career Development Coordinator (CDC) supports the Career and Technical Education department and works collaboratively with administrators, student services personnel, teachers, parents, business/industry, postsecondary institutions, military, community organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure the delivery of career development services for students. CDCs promote career awareness, exploration, and planning. The role of the CDC also includes facilitating the work-based learning opportunities (job shadowing, internships, co-op education, etc...) The Special Populations Coordinator (SPC) supports the Career and Technical Education department through identifying students within special populations each semester who are taking any CTE courses and providing support to those CTE teachers with possible teaching strategies. SPCs also work with each student who is considered Special Pops on developing, implementing, and monitoring their Career Development Plan. The role of the SPC also includes collaborating with other service providers to assist the members of special populations in academic, social, and personal development. The mission of Career and Technical Education is to empower all students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy. The CTE program areas we offer, here at North Duplin, are Agricultural Education, Business, Finance, & Information Technology Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, and Health Sciences Education. We also have Career and Technical Student Organizations that are active at North Duplin. They are Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), National Technical Honor Society (NTHS), and Future Farmers of America (FFA). |