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Band Students working with composer
7th grade social studies students
media center painting
Pinata Project
Book Tasting 22

Students using VR headsets to explore virtual reality related content.

NDJS Band at Summer Practice in front of school flag pole
Football Champions
3 Pictures of students completing the Media Center Orientation
NDJS Staff Rebel Era
Book Tasting 2

News & Announcements

Upcoming Events

Learning, Leading, Succeeding

A headshot of Mr Lee.

My child has been afforded many opportunities while attending Duplin County Schools such as learning about different colleges, what each one offers, and the opportunity to be able to take James Sprunt Community College courses. My child has also had the opportunity to work with great mentors at North Duplin High School who help him each and every day. Duplin County Schools works hard to provide a safe and effective learning atmosphere that will take my child into his career field after college. The uniqueness of Duplin County schools go back to the teachers, principals, and guidance counselors.  These people sacrifice daily for our children.

A picture of Kaitlin smiling at the camera.

"North Duplin Jr./Sr. has given me the opportunity to participate in Poetry Out Loud, which has increased my public speaking skills. I have also been given the opportunity to serve on the leadership team for senior Beta.  Having these opportunities and learning new things are imperative to life after high school. I enjoy North Duplin Jr./Sr. because I am allowed to be myself and meet new people."